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Our Unique Opportunities

Rural Cluster

Wurruk Primary School is a committed member of the Sale Rural Schools Cluster which enables us to participate in combined camps, sporting activities, MARC Day activities and other group days.

We strive to develop confident lifelong learners who meet challenges head on.  Learners are encouraged to embrace individuality and diversity.  We provide opportunities for learners to foster independence, enabling access to the local and global communities. The alliance between cluster schools reduces the isolation of staff and students alike.

Rural Cluster

Walking School Bus

Our Walking School Bus is a school bus powered not by an engine but by legs. Children don’t sit inside this ‘bus’ – they walk in a group to school, with two of our staff.

A Walking School Bus Program doesn’t just benefit children or schools. It has benefits for the wider community as well. The Walking School Bus offers positive and healthy travel choices to our children and builds the skills, health and experiences of people in our community.

Walking school bus

Breakfast Club

Breakfast Club provides a warm and welcoming space for our children when they arrive at School.

Staff help set up the Breakfast Club space and provide students with a variety of healthy, Victorian grown or manufactured breakfast foods. These include oats, muesli, Wheeties, Vita Brits, toast, milk, baked beans, canned fruit, fruit cups, fresh apples, oranges, Vegemite and honey.

In addition to removing the barrier to learning when a child is hungry, creating a safe and social Breakfast Club environment for our children is having other benefits. Positive relationships are being built between peers and staff. It provides our children with informal learning around nutrition, table manners, fosters leadership roles and has improved our punctuality and attendance.

Supporting better outcomes for all our children. “Big enough for opportunity, Small enough to care.”

B club

Speech Pathology

We’re working with community health providers to help government primary schools:

  • give young children better access to speech pathology services

  • increase teacher understanding, skills and confidence to support children who have speech, language and communication needs.

Sceech pathology

Story Dogs

The Story Dog mission is to make reading fun for children, so they become confident lifelong readers.

When children read to a dog, the outcomes are amazing! It is a non-judgemental setting, the children's focus improves, their literacy skills increase and their confidence soars. The accepting, loving nature of dogs gives this program its magic and helps children relax, open up, try harder and have fun while reading to a friendly, calm dog. Woof!

Story Dogs


The Mobile Area Resource Centre (MARC Van) is a small mobile library. The MARC van is filled with picture story books, fictional novels, non-fiction books for students and teachers to borrow. Students are able choose books from the library van to read over a two-week period.


MARC lessons allow students to share a book, discuss different aspects, think critically and explore issues in detail with an activity that integrates into other key curriculum learning areas. The MARC program provides small schools with literacy rich programs aligned to the History & Geography curriculum.



The Tutor Learning Initiative is designed to support students whose learning has been disrupted as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Tutoring helps to strengthen students' comprehension, boost confidence, and build important learning skills. Tutoring gives our students at point of need individualised attention to extend and grow our children so each child can work to their full potential. 


Mentor Program

The student mentoring program aims to promote school connectedness, engagement and aspirations for some of our select Wurruk Primary School children.

Mentors work with children to increase their engagement in learning, build self-confidence, set goals and improve understanding of post-school options.

The program increases student engagement in learning, assists them to build self-confidence, to set goals and improve their understanding of transitioning to secondary school and beyond.

Mentor Program
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